Tuesday, June 19, 2012

OneBigBoost: EXCITEMENT on the warmer fronts!

It has been an exciting and educational winter in OneBigBoost land! Not everything is positive: its first stumble block was met last October in Haiti. A tile-making workshop was set up for six adults in Saint Marc, who were excited and dedicated. Every morning from 9 am - noon or later we worked with clay, learning step-by-step. We were allowed space at a school, worked one day in a home and the last two days we were allowed to use space on the patio of a nice hotel in Saint Marc (Le Gou-T). They loved it and the projects, esp for first try at clay, turned out nice! Problem: no kiln. It was there, but we were not allowed to use (and pay for)  it. No reasons given by the Am. person who supervises it. That was not easy: it felt like a lost project. But there is always next time! I left the remainder of the clay there and saw last month that they kept making various things. Experiementing and gaining experience where there had been none.

The winter brought excitement through a tough situation. A physician from Illinois, Dr. Carroll, sent out an emergency message: new cholera outbreak in south-western peninsula (Haiti), south of Pestel. Various BIG agencies he contacted (no names here!) denied the existence of cholera there, while he was looking at the ill and dead. Sander passed the message on to me, and I contacted Dr. Carroll, his wife, the hospital there (things don't work so smooth there: too much work for each). He told me that water filters, medication and especially volunteer med personnel were needed most. OneBigBoost could provide water filters. We discussed the targets and decided that families, isolating the disease, would be easiest and safest. We (OBB) found a great water filter. Highest rating, strong, inexpensive ($10 US incl transport, $20 with a predrilled/spout installed bucket) and, above all: easy to maintain AND small (about 6"x3") AND lightweight. Most of these had to go up into the mountains and these were all major issues. Many had to be delivered on foot. I have walked some of these steep, berubbled paths and believe-you-me: weight is an issue esp in the boiling sun. Teaching workshops on use and hygiene (washing hands) were part of OBB's gifts. A wonderful woman, Judy Foster (one of those miracle-do-it-all people) took care of the on the ground gathering and transport from Port au Prince to Pestel. Google www.harvesthousehaiti.org to see only some of the work she does! Can't wait to meet her in person.

Right now we have 150 stainless steel, BPA-free, 22-24 oz bottles here with OBB etc on it (nice designs) that sell for $10. We lowered the price from $15. For this you receive a bottle while $5 goes toward a 'classroom' water filter: meaning 30-40 children a day can have SAFE WATER to drink and take home! For $15/bottle they, also, will receive a bottle each. These bottles are rocking right now: rocking to fly into your hands! This is an important project where EVERYONE WINS!!!

Next. There are always SO MANY nexts!
We are incorporating 501-(c)-(3) Not For Profit. Darned. And here our board had been enjoying all these weekends at the beach without you knowing! (No wonder everyone wanted to on Board!)
We have our meeting with our lawyer, a most generous and knowledgeable man on the subject (an a fabulous artist) this afternoon for the final step! We're registered both with the IRS and legally...now the dots for the i-s.
One reason this is so crucial is because have a donation of $10 000 waiting for us. Can you believe it?
The possibilities here are staggering. We have done so many 'small' things that made such a difference... if we keep thinking that way we will be able to do so much in so many places!
Do not, however, stop you from making a donation from $1 on up! Everything we do makes a difference!

Yesterday we received a check for $150. the three children in the family decided to 'purchase' one generator for the TECH project, and one classroom water filter of $48. Of course the parents will receive a letter for taxes. That was another enormous gift!

L to R: Miguel-technology, Viergeline-Secretary, Weber-presentations, Melet-Pres. and project director.
So what is TECH? TECH, which stands for Technology, Education, Community and Health, is a project conceived by a small group of very bright, energetic and dedicated young men and one woman.
They have started (January) with presentations at schools, using a projector, a small screen and science movies. These HS students had never seen/learned about the destructive forces of nature (except in person, of course) globally. Not about life in the ocean. About the issues of distinction and protection, and a few more. A few - not enough! They asked me for help (I am close friends with one of them, Melet Deroze of Verrettes) in organization, grant-search, programs and projects...general direction. And a budget, needless to say. Ultimately we all need a budget. I went to visit them last May (wow-only a few weeks ago..) and had a Fantastic Time with them. We decided to adopt the name TECH Project and defined and refined some of the programs. With them I visited eight different schools, from excellent local schools to some of the most difficult ones to watch, filled with a few brave students, even braver and dedicated teachers, a blackboard, chalk and a stick for pointing. But in the end they will be able to read and hopefully not forget. These schools have only 3-4 grades and nothing after.I truly, truly admired them most.

TECH Project's goals are
1- to continue the science/geography etc DVD presentations, as broad as available. This draws about 100-200 students each time, with full cooperation of the schools. I sat in on two, and it was wonderful!
2- to implement health, hygiene and community (health) science projects and fairs in towns in the region (Artibonite)
3- to become visible in the community through community-involved projects such as clean-ups, movies in the park etc.
4- to be trained in emergency preparedness, which will be, most importantly, offered by an organization called SOLO, based in Vermont. We;re trying to get this done before the next hurricane hits! This will include community organization in case of disasters, first aid, CPR, preparing for evacuation etc. A fantastic project and so crucial!
5- teaching the use of modern equipment such as computers, projectors etc and simple repair
6- teaching educators to go to other regions and spread the programs and projects.

These are only some examples.
For this they need materials and equipment more than anything. Two generators are needed to make sure the projectors work. Small, portable solar units that provide spotlights for teaching. ($50 each for 2 spots and solar). Hand-outs for each classroom after each show.
DVDs, in FRENCH or language-free of subjects in the above categories are ESSENTIAL. If you have any (look on the back of your DVD case: it will say 'languages') please send them to me (22 Revelstone Dr, Honesdale, PS 18431) and I will get them there.
They need little white painter caps. They will be decorated with TECH and some design, to show all the people in Verrettes who has worked on the clean-up project. Important message!Sounds like a waste? NOT!
OBB wants (well..) solar infant transport units (they look like eggs!). Two of them. These are regulated for air, temperature etc etc. $1400 a piece.
The list is much longer and , as far as I am concerned, wonderful. Like a Christmas wish list.

Next summer, 2013, we plan a huge project in rural, northern Rwanda. A young, professional adults group contacted OBB (boy does that feel good!) to ask for help. SekaRwanda, SmileRwanda, consists of teachers, technicians etc who are trying to reach the children and communities neglected. they are largely neglected because it takes so long to build a country back up after natural or man-made disasters.  We can help. A little. The project will consist of volunteers in the medical and education field and anyone who wants to fill the crucial gaps. Teaching and teaching teachers, hygiene projects, medical clinics and help where possible and teaching there as well.
If you, or someone you know, is interested in finding out more for this July 2013 Rwanda trip, please have them contact us through onebigboost@gmail.com with "Africa" on the subject line.

Here a good chuckle from a grocery store in Verrettes to share:

Of course there is always more, but I would put you to sleep. Hmm- maybe you should read this at 10 pm :D
I love you all, am so grateful to those who tell me that they have read the blogs and please do pass it on!!

Happy as a clam:D

PS Feel free to use all typos to write me back :-)
I have a friend and a lawyer to meet!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Haiti-funny story

There are always funny stories when you visit Haiti. Here is one that was a hysterical situation.
I wanted to email home etc and asked Claudy, Jean's 19 year-old uncle, to walk with me to the internet cafe. He took me across the park (I objected: that's not where it is!), (it indeed wasn't), then seven blocks over, up and down hills, to another one. This place had one computer, and it didn't work. Money-back guarantee. After about five attempts to find a computer I insisted on asking someone for a BIG cafe. And sure enough: exactly the one where I had been before. Claudy didn't know about that one, but assured me it would be 'expensive'. We didn't know how right he almost was.

We walked into the place and a man asked what we wanted.
"Use the computer."
"Ah! No problem."
First he made sure we paid (more than the other places), he then pointed at a computer, turned on a big fan, and left.

Another man came out of the back of the place and said
"What are you doing here? You want to use the computer?" (Well..yes, I did.)
"First you have to pay."
"PAY?? I already paid!"
"No you didn't."
"Yes I did: I paid the other man!" (I then gave him some coins - what the heck)
"There IS no other man!"
"Sure there is: fat, short and an orange shirt, and I paid him"
Claudy intervened and repeated (in much better Creole) what I had just said.
"Show me the man!"
"I don't know him."
"Go and look."
I popped my head outside but no orange man. Then the people outside got involved. Then some more. Saint Marc is a small city and everyone knows what's going on. I went inside and returned to the computer: they could figure it out themselves. The noise grew and grew, and finally the orange man was dragged in.
I turned around and said "yup-that's him!" and went back to work.
The little orange man started yelling, tried to pull my shoulder so I could convince the others that he had done nothing, but was held back by the crowd that had formed by then - at least 20 men crowded in one dark room.
"You never gave me anything. I took nothing. I wasn't here! I don't even know you...and I turned on the fan for you, didn't I? You have to pay me for that!"
At this point the crowd was roaring with laughter, the jubilant from-the-gut laugh I have only heard in Haiti. They stuck their hands in his pockets, and out came the exact amount I had told them about. They chased him down the street until he was gone.
Claudy, Rudy and I looked at each other and started laughing all over again and the whole crowd joined in once more. Then they bought me a coke because, they said, I was one of them -they liked this 'blan', this white one.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

October 2010- Yurts, Restaveks, new countries joining!

There is always, always more. And that's a great thing - keeps it all going. I never said 'running smoothly', just 'going'.
Last week I gave a PowerPoint presentation about OneBigBoost and its strides. This was given at the 65th celebration of the United Nations. The presentation(s) and gracious luncheon were held at the gorgeous old railroad station in Scranton. It was wonderful. I met some great people there and was excited to meet Marcus Robertson, who is the CEO of a company named Folded Homes. (Worth looking up!)
I had been anxious to meet him because we are trying to figure out a way for OBB to get him to let us have (complex issue) 10 of these yurts for Haiti, at the price you get for ordering 10 000! Hey...you never know and it looks like I might win this one! Transportation, at 92 lbs each, is another matter and cost. I'm trying to get them into Saint Marc's harbor, which is faster, lower harbor taxes and less palm greasing.

Then the question: what to do with them? We can't just plant them there (even though terribly badly needed since tents and tarps are deteriorating at high speed)
The need is endless. However, as always, we have to stick with our Mission Statement: One Time, One Place, To Serve Many. Just planting them there wouldn't be specific enough. Sound stupid? In a way it is, but we have made promises to those who support us...
It actually makes life much easier to have such a simple statement to draw from. At times limits are really wonderful - certainly in aid work.

Something always happens along the way - and here again one thing came from another.
I am in contact with two young women, one named Sasha (PhD), the other Leah. Wonderful people and I can't wait to meet them 'live'. Sasha, and her co-workers (another young woman and two guys), run a great NFP organization named SOIL. Their actions speak louder than words! They built tons of composting toilets where they are most needed (and were instrumental in providing aid and crucial information during this cholera tragedy) and intend to build beautiful gardens from this great, fertile (non-chemical!!!) waste.

Their blog starts with: "Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL) is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting soil resources, empowering communities and transforming wastes into resources in Haiti."

So OBB wants to help by buying seeds and gardening implements to help start their 'model garden', which should begin late January or soon there-after. How incredibly exciting.

Back to the yurts.
We've all read about the Restavek (reste avec/ staying with) children, the young slaves who are interned by well-to-do families in Haiti (and other nations). Not all families treat them badly, but most,according to reports, are pretty horrible. Now these children have lost whatever little they had to call 'home' when these homes were destroyed and families who employed them have died. They, too, live in and around the camps but without anyone to belong to. They need a place, for the time being.

I'd like to build a little 'pod' of ten yurts, all connected into a circle with exits and entrance easily protected. The children, about 4+ to a yurt, have a safe, enclosed place to be in their circle of 'home'. Ideally some of the now single women, some of whom also have no place of their own, could stay with them in their own yurt/paart of the 'pod'.
And, when this comes to pass, we'll need a toilet so... I better talk to Leah about this! For now it is an effort of making contacts, getting things moved into place (all is oh-so-slow, simply because there is no way to do this faster or I would!!!) and then hope it will materialize.

Other great news:
Elina, the 16 yo daughter of our beloved Finnish Sari (our exchange student 1986/87) hopes to come to Haiti with me during her winter/spring break. I am/we are SO excited about this prospect. We'll have to give her an important role in the development of OneBigBoost-Finland! Beth, also wants to come and we'll bring some gardening/work gloves and get moving in that intense heat - even in February!

Closer even than that: as of yesterday our Lisa Walter, German exchange student (2003/4) has excitedly joined the ranks by being the main (and first) contact person for Germany!!! Lisa is currently pursuing her Masters Degree in International Relations and... well, she'll have to explain the rest of her complicated studies herself, because she will have her own page on the OBB website!

Since we are now Not-For Profit, people still have the opportunity to help put more into our bank account! The help and response has been absolutely overwhelming this year - but so are the number of places we can make a difference - perhaps small in the eyes of some, but HUGE IN THE EYES OF THE RECIPIENTS! That's the part to remember!

Please consider how else help can be brought through this little hole-in-the-wall organization! Love, Marianne

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

ONNO shirts

Imagine that: they will send me a smaple t shirt by posting this.
Bamboo, hemp, cotton - the best of all worlds!
Organic Clothing
bamboo, hemp & organic clothing

September Blog OneBigBoost

That's me. I just forgot to write - but much has happened.
The trip to Haiti was sadly fantastic. Sad because so much destruction and so many hopes are dashed. Again. Fantastic because no matter what: the Haitians are inspiring and ready to go again. I hate the word 'resilience', because it almost implies that all is ok there. It is not. When you are always freezing, the sight of a candle's light makes you warm. Everything is relative. Yet in all this misery you hear few people complain, and fewer yet are angry. They did ask where the aid was, where the water as. But help slowly filtered north as well.
In February and March, we spent thousands of dollars feeding between 6500 and 7000 hot midday meals to hospitalized (serious injuries) refugees in St. Marc hospital.
we provided packets with clean underwear, personal hygiene and small towels to adults and children, as well as some small toys.
We talked with them, and found them sitting up and waiting for us eagerly by the 3rd day. There was some hope though contact: family may have been lost, but friendships were building.
We employed first eight and later 5 Haitian men and women who worked up to 10 hours each day, seven days a week. The went to buy everything fresh at the market, bartering for the best price and best quality. They hauled back, cleaned food, cooked, transferred, drove in a car without shocks to the other end of town, delivered the food from ward/building to the next one, collected all, washed everything on a charcoal fire in super-hot water...to start again the following day. That is what your contributions have done.

Now here it is September. What, all together, has oneBIGboost done to date?

Provided two laptop computers to rural school in Nepal.

Provided an LCD Powerpoint projector to the same school.

Provided 2 suitcases full of books and teacher tutorials to two rural schools in Butwal and Begnas Tal.

(Gave one book each to a group of 13 children in a little mountain village - children who had never owned a book...leave alone a NEW one!)

Provided income for Tibetans by buying large amounts of jewelry, cultural items and shawls, ll sold in the US to friends which fattened the kitty with 100% of the proceeds.

Provided income of $20-$25 day each to 4 women and one man (less to the others for lesser tasks) to prepare food for refugees.

Fed over 6500 refugees, most without family left, a hot mel a dy until the last one was dismissed from the hospital.

We have given $500 to Prof. Dave Porter of Keystone College, who went to Gwo Jan, Haiti, over Easter to help in an orphanage and who provided aid in Leogane.

We decided to make a sizable donation to an amazing project in Nepal. Look for the book 'Sold' in your bookstore. It is about the true stories of what happens to pre-teens the poor in Nepal. A woman in California is translating the book and through a concerted effort with ALL radio stations (more than 50% cannot read/write in Nepal)this story will be presented on a weekly basis by actors via radio. People will be told what really happens to the girls who will 'get a good job in the city'.
The books will also be printed in Nepali and distributed, free of charge, to the libraries and, eventually, the schools.
Our donation will be either used to pay the actors, or to print the Nepali books ($2 each).
On project, one time, to serve many.

Our next project:

There is a great,highly successful organization in Maryland that teaches people in developing nations how to grow trees in nurseries
I am going to take the course they offer, which completes with an exam and certificate. Hopefully this will be completed before the next rainy season. Only 10c buys a tree. Ten for $1..1000 for $10...
Our own project for this, at this time for Haiti since the contacts are there, is called One..Two..TREE! We're going to sell 100%, soft cotton, beautiful t-shirts with a magnificently designed logo on the front for fundraisers. The logo is part screen-print, part highlight stitching and will cost about $20, with 'hoodies' as an option. We'll let you know!

Last but not least: the planting guide has to be translated into Kreyol/Creyole and we will offer a stipend to a man in Haiti who has taught himself to speak impeccable English by listening to the BBC for years. He has never been out of the country, but this way he has traveled far and wide. Jean-Claude Degazon of Petionville deserves this and we need him!
These are the things that have happened since our initial trip to Nepal late December 2009. I can never thank anyone enough for encouraging words, questions, contributions and ideas - all of equal importance. we hope to make this fall, winter and spring even bigger than the past year. A little becomes SO MUCH! We hope you feel that your money was well spent and continues to be!

Last but not least:
We are under the umbrella of a not-for-profit art & education/community awareness organization in California.
What that means is this: Anyone who has made a donation during the year 2010 (Jan 1-Dec 31) can deduct this from taxes (i.e. instead of giving that to Uncle Sam).
You send a note to us with the mount you donated, with date and, if possible proof that you have done so. We then send the message to them. They write a letter stating your donation as applicable under 501 (c) (3). They then charge us 5% of the amount you donated and everyone is happy because we won't have to pay taxes over your gift. This is particularly necessary for those individuals or corporations who give or gave large sums.

I feel like I have bloggeritis.
Some time I hope to write about what it all does to one's soul. What it means to be able to help...then be able to walk away. Those departing moments are times of sadness, guilt and feelings of grace..what it means when you are over there and you feel that all YOU people, all those friends and nameless/faceless others who care, stand right behind you and take their own earned joy in each of these projects. I always feel that..this stream of people over my shoulder with pride in their eyes.
You may not think you are there, but you truly are.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Carrying on, and exciting times

It has been a while since I wrote, but that doesn't mean that time has stood still. Quite to the contrary!

Personally, my life has been happy, exciting yet peaceful. Much reading (recommended: Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder (About Paul Farmer) and the novel Waiting, by Ha Jin, and other stuff including a lot of books on glazing (not recommended :-)

I have also been reading about forming an NGO. What it takes, why, how to go about it and especially what not to do. I have come to the conclusion that it is a very intricate process, a carefully choreographed dance between (generally) well-meaning people and the IRS. There is absolutely NOTHING simple and 'quick' about it. And rejections cost dearly-rejections that happen 2-3 times on the average!
Why our interest in an NGO (Non-Government Organization)? Our friends Nathaelf Hyppolite MD and his wife, Christina Lafontant, DDM,MM Public Health, have inherited land and some funding in Haiti. (They, dear friends, are both Haitian and living/practicing there) The land is east of Port au Prince, in a rural area where many people have not yet seen a physician. Many children still die there before the age of 5 because it is impossible to get to medical services. Most of these deaths can be prevented and relieve much suffering as to any father or mother in the world.
Nathaelf and Christina have asked Carl and I to become Board members of this medical NGO and, knowing them, we joyfully accepted. The service/hospital will be named Parapli Vet, Green Umbrella. This represents care, togetherness, strength through support and each of the outer "points" represent the segments needed for such an organization to succeed: education, nutrition, family care, dental care, hygiene and overall medical care. The 'green'? In Haiti green stands for Hope. Also for Protection, Children, Family. It is a great symbol that will mean much to many people - particularly for those who cannot yet read or write. (Not yet. Think Hope)

At this point Nathaelf has made contact with the Ministers of Education and of Health.
Their approval will mean a great deal and help move forward.
It is the plan to begin with mobile units and a very small staff of doctors, nurses, technicians and rural health teachers. Needless to say money will need to be invested, but we have come to the agreement that the seed for this has to be planted and sprout before we continue and hope that it multiplies. SO much money has been given in aid - it will not be simple to get people to donate unless we first have something to show for.

What else. Ah yes. We are supposed to have two long-term summer visitors, but at this time it doesn't look good for either of them, which would make us truly sad.
First of all there is our Jean Mary, our Godson (Sander and mine) from Haiti. He is 4 yrs old now and we are quite attached to each other through our visits. We, his mother and I, decided that it is a good time for him to come and spend the summer here, in part to learn English which will allow him to enter a better school in his town (American English School). Secondly we are concerned about his intellectual stimulation and 3 months is a good, long time to play with the little guy. When Tjitske told me about the 'window of opportunity' for a 4-5 yr old child, I felt an even greater urge. But now, with the 32 children almost kidnapped out of Haiti, it has become nearly impossible for him (or any other child under 18) to receive a visitors visa. All the papers are in order and the visit to the US Consulate in Port au Prince is either later this week or early next week. We are hoping for the best!

The other is Aitigul, from Kyrgyzstan, a college student from Osh. We promised her 2 yrs ago that she could spend the summer with us. Suitcase packed, she found out at the last minute last summer that her visa was denied. She was heart-broken. Her appointment for a visa this summer is June 3rd. Now on the brink of civil war in Kyrgyzstan, the consulate just denied visas to three of her friends. They are (rightfully) concerned that they will stay in the US due to the danger. She's a doll of a girl and we are looking forward to have her here. Please keep your fingers crossed!!!

Last but not least: I have my first 'show' over Memorial Day weekend. Six large pieces called "Geo-Scapes" and 3 sculptural pieces will be on display. After that they will be entered in two juried shows. Who knows? I'l keep you posted: this is really exciting and important to me!

Hey guys: be good, enjoy life, share a little and don't forget to sing. It puts fresh oxygen into vessels, muscles and your brain. Way to go!

PS: If I can, I will post some pictures of my pieces here.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Haiti etc - part whatever

Yes, that's a piglet! Two of these, one pink on black, raced (high speed-very funny) to the left each morning, and raced back before dark. They must be making rounds. They did stop, however, to have a nibble at the disgusting dirt that flowed in front of our house!

Our twice-daily chopper from the US army. Great excitement on Jean's part!

Jean discovered books-even if they're upside down - and recites the entire story.

Typical view of the eroded mountains. I keep thinking that bamboo would be great: popular, long roots, tenacious, fast-growing and much like the sugar cane they are accustomed to. But what do I know? Another option: every person plant 3 trees. Two make it, that's 12 million trees!

Tranquil Countryside...? Keep y'r jaws shut!

I just saw that the first blog (posted after the last blog) made it in after all.

At this point we are about to run out of money, which means that the project is about over. Since we employed seven people: two shoppers/main cooks, two cooks and cleaners, one hauler (that stuff is heavy!!) and book-keeper and two part-time HS students and our driver, we need to break the news gently that their income (which they knew was only temporary) is about over. I think we'll be able to keep the two cooks, the book keeper and the driver for another few days to serve the remaining 20 patients who are alone.
Feeding around 100 people a day was really a major project, particularly in view of the conditions, where water always has to be hauled a distance, cooking is one outdoor on two small charcoal burners and all water has to be boiled 15 minutes before doing the many dishes (1 bowl and 1 spoon per patient plus all cooking utensils).
We still have some funds left (because still more comes in) so we should be able to continue this on a small scale.

Beth's friends from Keystone College are going to a school south of Petionville (I believe) where they will also do a hexagon project with a number of students (google it if you want details) which could have some fabulous results. The Hexagon Project is an international link to OneBigBoost. Every link helps.

This time my goal will be to see what can be done with the tent-city that is still growing around Saint Marc. It was still fairly small and well-cared for by particularly USAid, the US army and Save The Children, who all we saw in great numbers on a daily basis. Helicopters flew in and out every morning and every evening with teams of doctors and nurses, transporting patients when going the other way. Most prominent, however, were the small teams of 3,4,8 people who were joyfully doing their volunteer work around the hospital. Moving patients, carrying charts, washing floors,,all of it needed and no skills required. The t-shirts were actually (I always think they are a bit corny) perfect for identification, and our bright-yellow group stood out with pride - they were the only Haitian one! GOOD FOR THEM!

People are constantly asking what they can do. Although our funds are dwindling, many have offered clothing, new and used, medical supplies, school supplies (the kids have to go back to school and are not allowed in without supplies - a government stipulation...no comment...)

This time I am also going back for another reason. One may wonder what on earth it has to do with the quake. Well...perhaps it is because the quake can finally be a catalyst for change?
I have spent a great deal of time, deep into the dark of night, talking with our team and a group of other young adults. Listening to what they had to say about their government. Listen to what they said about education, food, the city, future. There was not much good they had to say, but neither offered much hope. As I wrote: it may not have to do with the quake, but maybe the time is right, after all this destruction and need for reconstruction (there are cracks in the ceiling of Jean's school, and the school had to close).
The discussion turned to personal responsibility. To leadership on a small scale, and the importance thereof. That they can govern their own neighborhoods in a positive way and be an example for others. But to be peaceful and insistent at all cost. To start with a simple neighborhood clean-up and improving the drain ditches and the odor of facilities. Their homes and clothes are sparkling clean - why not the neighborhood?
They were all very excited and this is one reason I want to go back, just for a few days, before their fire goes out.

Yanko, a HS student who finished 8th grade in Orlando where his Dad works, is particularly aware at what can be accomplished. He painted a picture for me that he wants me to put on a t-shirt. It is in red-white and blue, Haiti's colors. There is a hand holing the flag, and next to it "Haiti - yes we can change it"
It WILL go on t-shirts, and be handed out by him to their neighborhood, for many others to see! It's not a great piece or art, but says it all loud and clear.

To all this I can only add: until you have been there and see it, you will never, ever understand the hopeless poverty like no-where else, exacerbated by the wealth only miles away, nor understand the beauty and love of the Haitian people.