That's me. I just forgot to write - but much has happened.
The trip to Haiti was sadly fantastic. Sad because so much destruction and so many hopes are dashed. Again. Fantastic because no matter what: the Haitians are inspiring and ready to go again. I hate the word 'resilience', because it almost implies that all is ok there. It is not. When you are always freezing, the sight of a candle's light makes you warm. Everything is relative. Yet in all this misery you hear few people complain, and fewer yet are angry. They did ask where the aid was, where the water as. But help slowly filtered north as well.
In February and March, we spent thousands of dollars feeding between 6500 and 7000 hot midday meals to hospitalized (serious injuries) refugees in St. Marc hospital.
we provided packets with clean underwear, personal hygiene and small towels to adults and children, as well as some small toys.
We talked with them, and found them sitting up and waiting for us eagerly by the 3rd day. There was some hope though contact: family may have been lost, but friendships were building.
We employed first eight and later 5 Haitian men and women who worked up to 10 hours each day, seven days a week. The went to buy everything fresh at the market, bartering for the best price and best quality. They hauled back, cleaned food, cooked, transferred, drove in a car without shocks to the other end of town, delivered the food from ward/building to the next one, collected all, washed everything on a charcoal fire in super-hot start again the following day. That is what your contributions have done.
Now here it is September. What, all together, has oneBIGboost done to date?
Provided two laptop computers to rural school in Nepal.
Provided an LCD Powerpoint projector to the same school.
Provided 2 suitcases full of books and teacher tutorials to two rural schools in Butwal and Begnas Tal.
(Gave one book each to a group of 13 children in a little mountain village - children who had never owned a book...leave alone a NEW one!)
Provided income for Tibetans by buying large amounts of jewelry, cultural items and shawls, ll sold in the US to friends which fattened the kitty with 100% of the proceeds.
Provided income of $20-$25 day each to 4 women and one man (less to the others for lesser tasks) to prepare food for refugees.
Fed over 6500 refugees, most without family left, a hot mel a dy until the last one was dismissed from the hospital.
We have given $500 to Prof. Dave Porter of Keystone College, who went to Gwo Jan, Haiti, over Easter to help in an orphanage and who provided aid in Leogane.
We decided to make a sizable donation to an amazing project in Nepal. Look for the book 'Sold' in your bookstore. It is about the true stories of what happens to pre-teens the poor in Nepal. A woman in California is translating the book and through a concerted effort with ALL radio stations (more than 50% cannot read/write in Nepal)this story will be presented on a weekly basis by actors via radio. People will be told what really happens to the girls who will 'get a good job in the city'.
The books will also be printed in Nepali and distributed, free of charge, to the libraries and, eventually, the schools.
Our donation will be either used to pay the actors, or to print the Nepali books ($2 each).
On project, one time, to serve many.
Our next project:
There is a great,highly successful organization in Maryland that teaches people in developing nations how to grow trees in nurseries
I am going to take the course they offer, which completes with an exam and certificate. Hopefully this will be completed before the next rainy season. Only 10c buys a tree. Ten for $1..1000 for $10...
Our own project for this, at this time for Haiti since the contacts are there, is called One..Two..TREE! We're going to sell 100%, soft cotton, beautiful t-shirts with a magnificently designed logo on the front for fundraisers. The logo is part screen-print, part highlight stitching and will cost about $20, with 'hoodies' as an option. We'll let you know!
Last but not least: the planting guide has to be translated into Kreyol/Creyole and we will offer a stipend to a man in Haiti who has taught himself to speak impeccable English by listening to the BBC for years. He has never been out of the country, but this way he has traveled far and wide. Jean-Claude Degazon of Petionville deserves this and we need him!
These are the things that have happened since our initial trip to Nepal late December 2009. I can never thank anyone enough for encouraging words, questions, contributions and ideas - all of equal importance. we hope to make this fall, winter and spring even bigger than the past year. A little becomes SO MUCH! We hope you feel that your money was well spent and continues to be!
Last but not least:
We are under the umbrella of a not-for-profit art & education/community awareness organization in California.
What that means is this: Anyone who has made a donation during the year 2010 (Jan 1-Dec 31) can deduct this from taxes (i.e. instead of giving that to Uncle Sam).
You send a note to us with the mount you donated, with date and, if possible proof that you have done so. We then send the message to them. They write a letter stating your donation as applicable under 501 (c) (3). They then charge us 5% of the amount you donated and everyone is happy because we won't have to pay taxes over your gift. This is particularly necessary for those individuals or corporations who give or gave large sums.
I feel like I have bloggeritis.
Some time I hope to write about what it all does to one's soul. What it means to be able to help...then be able to walk away. Those departing moments are times of sadness, guilt and feelings of grace..what it means when you are over there and you feel that all YOU people, all those friends and nameless/faceless others who care, stand right behind you and take their own earned joy in each of these projects. I always feel that..this stream of people over my shoulder with pride in their eyes.
You may not think you are there, but you truly are.